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In the vibrant neighbourhood’s of Sukunanga and Mushroom, where bustling streets intersect with the rhythm of life, a remarkable outreach initiative has been quietly unfolding. It’s a story of faith, community, and transformation—a tale that transcends the ordinary and touches the hearts of those who traverse these busy thoroughfares.

The “Come and See” Approach

Our strategy is simple yet profound: the “come and see” approach. Recognizing the challenges faced by riders—often interrupted by passengers, traffic, and the relentless demands of their work—we decided to meet them where they are most comfortable: their stages. Instead of organizing large-scale events, we extend a personal invitation to our church.

Picture this: a dusty stage, the sun casting long shadows, and a group of riders huddled together. We approach them not as preachers, but as fellow travelers on this journey called life. Our smiles are genuine, our hearts open. We share stories, laughter, and sometimes even frustrations. And then, we invite them—without pressure or coercion—to experience something different.


SPF Sigor Launch:

  • A dedicated team will be visiting Pokot from August 9th to 11th to finalize the launch of Sigor Pentecostal Church as our new branch

SPF Music Ministry

  • Afternoon of Worship at Mission Centre next Sunday, September 22, from 2 PM to 5 PM.
  • Our theme for the day is "Behold, It Springs Forth,"

Annual Thanksgiving Service

  • Sunday, 3rd November 2024. This year is special because we will also be celebrating 40 years of ministry as a church.

Global University intake 

  • Degree in Bible & Theology or Certificate in Christian Counselling is going on!

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