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Hebrews 10:24-25. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Our Mandate

We are a group of men committed to being fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. God is our passion and growing in him our purpose. We help to build each other as loving and godly men empowered through the Holy Spirit to become genuine Christ-like servants in our home, our church, our career and our community.

Our Objective

Our desire is to develop a community of men dedicated to cultivating real relationships and spiritual maturity. Our aim is to be men of strong character and integrity who serve and support one another with intentional kingdom action and inclusive kingdom attitude. Our pledge is to use our time, energy and resources to contact and meet the needs of men in the church and the wider community.

-To bring men into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

-To unite men in Bible study, prayer, ministry, fellowship, and accountability.

-To become a supportive environment that touches the lives of the entire church family.

-To provide strategic men's ministry opportunities that will grow men in our church and share Christ's love in tangible ways in our community.

-To help men fulfill God’s purposes in their lives of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission.


We help one another by:

  1. Providing a place of genuine fellowship and friendship
  2. Covering and infusing our gatherings with Spirit-filled worship
  3. Mentoring one another to live Christ-like lives
  4. Offering monthly prayer breakfast
  5. Scheduling a variety of events that encourage fellowship and foster new relationships
  6. Promoting growth of accountability partnerships
  7. Cultivating expectation for God’s kingdom to breakthrough in powerful and significant ways
  8. Planning periodic topical teachings and workshops to equip each other for service

Reaching out to the wider community 

Jawabu Support

Men visited, prayed and donated food and clothes to vulnerable children at Jawabu Rehabilitation Centre in Eldoret.

FAther Son

A Father-Son event is organized with the aim of strengthening relationships with their sons.

father son
Nyama Choma

Weekend Outings for men

Monthly Theme

Upcoming Events

Worship Afternoon
Worship Afternoon
Venue Available