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  • A Transformative Outreach to Riders (Boda Boda) : Bringing Hope and Faith

    In the vibrant neighbourhood’s of Sukunanga and Mushroom, where bustling streets intersect with the rhythm of life, a remarkable outreach initiative has been quietly unfolding. It’s a story of faith, community, and transformation—a tale that transcends the ordinary and touches the hearts of those who traverse these busy thoroughfares.

    The “Come and See” Approach

    Our strategy is simple yet profound: the “come and see” approach. Recognizing the challenges faced by riders—often interrupted by passengers, traffic, and the relentless demands of their work—we decided to meet them where they are most comfortable: their stages. Instead of organizing large-scale events, we extend a personal invitation to our church.

  • Bringing Hope Behind Bars: A Transformative Mission

    The tagline echoed through the corridors of Eldoret's main prison, carrying with it a promise of hope and redemption. For the mission team, this outreach was more than an event—it was a calling, a divine appointment to touch lives within prison walls

    In Prison But Not a Prisoner.

  • Bringing Hope: A Mission of Compassion

    In the heart of Eldoret, Kenya, a dedicated team of missioners embarked on a transformative journey—one fueled by compassion, faith, and a desire to make a difference. Their mission? To bring hope to those who needed it most: patients, caregivers, and hospital staff. These four days would become a testament to God’s grace and the power of human connection.

    The Call to Serve

    he mission began with a simple yet profound verse from the book of Matthew: “I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” These words echoed through the hearts of the missioners as they prepared for their outreach. They understood that their actions would be a tangible expression of love—a way to clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit those in metaphorical prisons of pain and despair.

    The Message of Hope

    Armed with love and compassion, the missioners set out. They carried the message of hope like precious cargo. But it wasn’t just spoken; it was written on beautiful cards adorned with delicate designs. Each card bore the tagline: “God is your strength.” These cards, along with assorted fruits, were left with the patients they encountered. The reception was heartwarming. Patients, weary from illness and uncertainty, held the cards close. Some read the words aloud, their voices trembling with emotion. Others traced the elegant script with their fingers, as if absorbing the promise directly into their souls. The fruits provided nourishment for their bodies, but the message nourished their spirits.

  • Mission South Sudan: Empowering Disciples for Village Evangelism

    In the heart of October 2023, a transformative mission unfolded in the vast expanse of South Sudan. Mark Keter, a visionary leader, extended an invitation—an invitation not merely to travel but to impact lives, to sow seeds of hope, and to ignite a flame that would burn brightly in the villages of this war-torn land.

  • Ugunja Mission

    Answering the Cry: Extending Evangelism to Ugunja Village, Siaya County, Kenya

    In the heart of Siaya County, Kenya, lies the village of Ugunja—a place that once grappled with darkness and despair. It was in this very village that a transformative movement began, fueled by the unwavering commitment of the church’s mission team in partnership with Deeper Life mahinga . Their mission? To extend the reach of evangelism, bringing hope, healing, and salvation to every doorstep.

    The Genesis: July 2019

    The seeds of change were sown in July 2019. Ugunja, though picturesque, harbored deep-rooted challenges. A lack of spiritual refuge plagued the community—the absence of a church building left souls adrift. The brew dens, where despair often found solace, stood as stark reminders of brokenness. Cultural practices held sway, obscuring the light of truth. Many remained untouched by the Gospel, ensnared in cycles of sexual immorality and suffering. The specter of AIDS loomed large, claiming lives and leaving families shattered.


SPF Sigor Launch:

  • A dedicated team will be visiting Pokot from August 9th to 11th to finalize the launch of Sigor Pentecostal Church as our new branch

SPF Music Ministry

  • Afternoon of Worship at Mission Centre next Sunday, September 22, from 2 PM to 5 PM.
  • Our theme for the day is "Behold, It Springs Forth,"

Annual Thanksgiving Service

  • Sunday, 3rd November 2024. This year is special because we will also be celebrating 40 years of ministry as a church.

Global University intake 

  • Degree in Bible & Theology or Certificate in Christian Counselling is going on!

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