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These three words are the 2024 slogan embedded in all our mission and outreach activity plans.

The words are captured from SPF CORE VALUE VIII - Missions and Outreach.

Sirikwa Pentecostal Fellowship has over the years been holding an intense annual mission’s activity dubbed the missions month. This has always been a time of engaging the SPF membership in missions and outreach by direct involvement through;

  • Prayer, 
  • Testimonies, 
  • Reports, 
  • Giving, 
  • Sending, 
  • And going. 

Over the times we have been meeting the desired goal and outcome but still trusting God for more and better.

We started off the 2024 mission's month themed NEW ZEAL in missions with very wonderful times of prayer that lasted a full week in all SPF branches. We thank God that this went well as we received feedback that there was a sizable number of members turning up for these prayers. It got even sweeter when we held the first ever missions' prayer retreat on 1st May 2024 which was well attended by SPF Members drawn from all SPF Centers.

The retreat was really refreshing. Members of all ages attended. Many leaders were in attendance. The people leading the different sessions prepared very well. There was somewhat good representation from all SPF centers


This is a time when home care's get to initiate and execute activities within their context to help them connect with community - Church Mashinani. We are pleased to report that like never before, this year more home care's indeed caught zeal in missions. 

18 SPF homecare's engaged in several activities ranging from:

  •  Door to door. 
  • School ministry. 
  • Boda boda's Outreach. 
  • Children outreach. 
  • Counselling. 
  • Remand visit. 
  • Children homes. 
  • Rehabilitation center visits 
  • Orphanage's Visit. 
  • Young women group

Total number of People reached; 

Adults – 378. Children – 184.

There were many healing testimonies. A significant drop in use of drugs by an addict. A member who had stopped fellowshipping with other brethren started. There was such a provision from God so that members gave generously. Local Brew (changaa) seller gave that up and received Christ.

Missions Inspiration Week

Elder John Nganga as our guest speaker. He shared passionately on the topic Kingdom economics which he really handled amazingly well. He emphasized on the fact that we should never forget that we are not Owners of what we have, we are only holding in possession temporarily. And is the beginning of proper stewardship. For sure the message hit home hard but very well.

Elder John had a very special session with Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Interns and other Leaders to talk about Work Life Ministry Balance.

Monthly Theme

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Worship Afternoon
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